A Thirty-Minute Communications Audit to Uplevel Your Brand

If you've been in business for at least a year, it is well worth your time to review how your audience is connecting with your communications.

Getting started on a quick audit is simple, and you can implement some tools and tactics to make changes TODAY!

Follow my step-by-step guide below to audit your brand in thirty minutes or less!

First, review your content on your top communications platforms. 

Go beyond social media - newsletters, website, YouTube, sales pages, blog posts, podcasts - anywhere where you write or speak about your brand offers, mission, and activities. Also, anywhere where you connect with people on behalf of your brand - your DMs, Slack, sales emails, etc.

Next, ask yourself these questions while reviewing your content… 

  • Is my message and mission clear in my communication? 

  • Am I repeating my mission, offers, and activities or am I bouncing all around with different descriptions and calls to action? 

  • Is my audience connecting or is engagement really low? 

  • Am I offering anything of value on my platforms, or is it all sales content? 

  • Am I asking my audience to engage with me, or am I leaving out a call to action?

Finally, choose one area you want to improve or focus on. 

For me, I am working on the REPETITION of my message, mission, and offers. I find the people I most often buy from have made their message super clear through repetition - I know what I am getting from them because they make it clear over and over and over again. You can't miss it. 

You may choose to focus on editing the “what you offer” to one simple sentence. Or to share more results and testimonials. Or to get on more platforms to share your story.

Ready to really make an impact? Get some strategy involved! 

I know you're ready for more and REALLY want to throw gas on the fire, and having a toolbox of public relations strategies and tactics will really help you go far.

The Vision to Voice PR accelerator course provides a comprehensive introduction to PR. You will learn to understand the value of public relations, visualize, and implement a full-blown strategy (and execute it effectively). You will discover your brand's values and messaging and learn to communicate them fluently.

With this incredible messaging, you will be able to easily write pitches that catch the attention of partnership managers, and build authentic relationships with the perfect editors to highlight your brand in magazines and online. This will help you to create a network of valuable, organic media relationships that pay off again and again.

Vision to Voice is relaunching as a self-paced, evergreen course and you can find be the first to find out when it reopens by signing up for the waitlist HERE.

Questions? Email us at team@megandrosigliopr.com!


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